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資料筆數共計 1 筆,共計 1 頁 進階搜尋

Pets.com Inc.: The Rise and Decline of a Pet Supply Retailer
作者姓名:Omar Merlo
商品類型:Case (Library)商品編號:9B09A021
出版日期:2009/10/14內容長度:16 頁

The case follows the rise and decline of Pets.com from its inception in 1994 until 2000. It starts with a look at the birth of Pets.com, followed by a discussion of the market, consumer behaviour and key competitors. It then focuses on Pets.com's business strategy and marketing mix. The case study provides the basis for class discussion of a number of key issues, including but not limited to a) the decision whether to enter a strategic partnership, .....more